We Need To Cool It!

There are so many ways we lose sight of the big picture. We go through life blind a lot of the time. It’s sad, really, how many of us, myself included, feel like days fly by and there is not enough time in a day to get done what we want to do. I fight […]

Wrap Up the Best Present

Well, well, well. What do we have here? I’m looking at a pile of cut-out magazine articles about writing and blogging that I’ve collected throughout the years (one was from 2006.) It’s been daunting to go through the amount of paperwork I’ve accumulated. What better time to purge and lighten the load than the end […]

The Precious Present

I visited my aunt over Christmas and heard her say that time goes by so fast when you’re older.  I processed it and realized I guess I’m “older” too because it feels like time flies by for me. I make a weekly schedule and cannot believe it’s Monday already or whatever day, and the thing […]